Whispering Oaks has 40 units with 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apartments available. The apartments are all electric and the Housing Authority furnishes the water and electricity. There are 11 elderly and disabled designated apartments and one is a handicap-accessible unit.
The elderly/disabled designated units have central heat and air conditioning. All others have central heat only. We furnish the stove and refrigerator in every apartment. The family units have washer and dryer hookups and there is a laundry room at the community center. Mailboxes are on gang-boxes located conveniently throughout the complex.
There is a large playground at the top of the hill and the community center at the bottom of the hill near the entrance. There are activites scheduled each month at the community center either by Resident Services Department or the Whispering Oaks/Carver Resident Organization. All activities for Carver and Whispering Oaks residents are on a monthly calendar. All residents are encouraged to participate in activities. We provide on-call 24 hour emergency maintenance.
The apartments are zoned for Farrar Elementary, West Middle School and Tullahoma High School.